Choose between three prices
We think: Everyone should have the choice to consume just as little and just as sustainably. That's why we've developed a solidary price model for our octopullis - that means you can choose between three prices depending on your financial resources when shopping. We would like to offer you a platform so that you can support each other.
As long as people who can afford it pay €5 more when buying the supporter price, we, people with a smaller budget, can keep the solidarity minimum price for our kids' sweaters of 40 €
and for adults from 79€ (for an octopulli).
You can find the supporter price at the bottom of this page.
Solipreis beantragen
Für den Solipreis schreib uns eine kurze Nachricht mit dem Produkt, dass du gerne kaufen möchtest und der Größe, die du benötigst.
Wir melden uns innerhalb von 2-3 Werktagen bei dir zurück.